“Coach” Has Always Had The Biggest Impact On Our Lives… They Still Do!

There are many programs and professionals available to help us to achieve all types of goals — people hire coaches to help them with almost anything.

Setting goals are easy and fun, finding motivation for achieving them can be challenging. It is no different when it comes to our professional goals. One’s DRIVE is an attribute successful executives, entrepreneurs and elite athletes have in common. You can set goals, but will you force yourself to reach them if no one is pushing or challenging you to be accountable to yourself? Most of us, sadly, are not.

Accepting Accountability

“Accountability—it is not only what we do, but also what we do not do,for which we are accountable.”


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: many of us want to be successful, but few are prepared to accept the responsibility to do what it takes. This is not for lack of skill; it’s for lack of drive, discipline, and focus.  One must understand what it takes and what is required to be successful. When you think of an elite athlete and what is required to be successful and perform at a high level, it’s no different for any one else to be successful and reach their goals.

It is critical for leaders to communicate expectations to their team. Provide feedback along the way and then holding them accountable is where most leaders struggle.

One of the most significant reasons successful people meet or exceed their goals — both personal and professional — is accountability. Accountability can mean the difference between staying on track and making progress towards individual or organizational goals.

The most effective form of accountability is external accountability — someone to answer to and who motivates you. Someone to help you design a game plan you won’t be able to avoid or put off. Accountability is the number one reason people hire personal trainers and coaches, and the second reason is expertise.

Taking Professional “Mandatory Me Time”

Utilizing a coach or professional network is a great way to focus on your own professional development and grow your business. It is easy for executives to get caught up in the success of their business and employees — allowing their own professional development to take a back seat. A true coach will not allow you to get away with not moving forward with your leadership, business, and personal goals.

Leadership is hard and it’s a process. Leadership requires practice, fine-tuning, staying relevant and continuous growth. Coaches provide driven executives an advantage: Coaching and strong relationships create trust. This allows a coach to see patterns or opportunities that may have been overlooked. A coach is there to encourage but is also there to have the tough conversations and hold their clients accountable. Investing in your own personal growth, physically, mentally and professional should be “mandatory me time.”

Designing Your Own Motivation

External accountability will also guarantee that you will focus on your goals more often. Setting a routine of professional development — checking in on your own progress, setting and meeting smaller, benchmark goals — is essential to building momentum and achieving great things.

Finding the right coach or leadership development program will provide discipline, commitment and long-term accountability and support to help you develop a sustainable commitment towards your success. Developing a strong relationship with your coach, one will feel like you won’t want to let them down. It’s motivating having a coach and it only benefits you, as you have two people (you and your coach) invested in your success.

We all have stretch professional goals. But what initiative are you taking to achieve them?